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WSurf galerija slika - Freestyle u Ninu - 31.10.2007/Goca (Ivan)

izbornik - galerija slika

glavni izbornik

početna - Registracija - Ulaz

Početna stranica > Ostalo > Freestyle u Ninu - 31.10.2007
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Goca (Ivan)

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Jako loše

Sandy -
It is emrxetely common for IME doctors to claim symptom exaggeration. Don’t take it personally. Your attorney can’t do anything about what is written in the report, but he can depose the IME doctor to dispute the basis for his opinions, as well as expose his biases (does he mainly do defense work, how often does he claim symptom exaggeration, how much he was paid for his opinion, etc.). Also, your treating doctors will presumably disagree with the claim of symptom exaggeration. It then becomes a matter of credibility, between (1) you and your treating doctors and (2) the IME doctor.

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